To register OfficeTalk and receive the product-enabling keycode, do the following:
License menu
A Register OfficeTalk dialog box will appear.
Obtain Keycode dialog box
2. Press the button. The Workgroup Name dialog box will appear.
Workgroup Name dialog box
Ensure that the workgroup name is correct. This is important since the keycode that you receive will be based upon this name and changing the Workgroup Name at some point in the future will invalidate the keycode.
3. Next, you should enter the license details. Your license number will be on the original letter sent out with this evaluation. Each license number is associated with a certain number of user licenses. If you do not have a license number move to step 4.
To enter the license number, press the button in the Register OfficeTalk dialog box. A Licenses dialog box
will appear.
Licenses dialog box
You can add a license by pressing the button. Pressing this button will pop up a License dialog box.
License dialog box
Enter the license number for this license and specify the number of users you wish to purchase against this license. Press OK.
The license will now appear in the Licenses dialog box. You can edit or delete any entries in this dialog box using the
Finally press on the Licenses dialog box.
4. If you do not have a licence number, press the button. OfficeTalk will then prompt you for the number
of users you require. Press OK.
5. Next enter your details or the details of the person to whom Sareen Software will communicate the product-enabling
keycode. Do this by pressing the button in the Register OfficeTalk dialog box. When you press this button
the Contact Details dialog box will appear for you to enter the relevant details.
Contact Details dialog box
When you have entered the relevant details, press .
6. Next fill out any feedback that you have about the product by pressing the button. When you press this
button, a Feedback dialog box will appear:
Feedback dialog box
7. Finally, press the button. This will print out a Registration Form. Fax this form through to
Sareen Software (00 (44) 181 423 9438) If you want to send your keycode request form by e-mail press the
button. This will generate a text file. When sending your keycode request by email, please
ensure the keycode form is part of the message body and not an attachment to the mail message. E-Mail this form to Sareen
Software (
8. You will be given your keycode by fax,phone or e-mail. Before entering the keycode please log everybody out of OfficeTalk. Use View\Who menu in Supervisor Mode to ensure everybody is logged out. Please ensure all remote users are logged on to the main database. Once you have ensured that all users are logged off, bring up the Enter Keycode dialog box by selecting Enter Keycode from the License menu in Supervisor mode.
License menu
Enter your keycode into the Keycode field in the Enter Keycode dialog box and press . Note that OfficeTalk
ignores the `-' character, so you can use it to space the numbers for clarity.
Enter Keycode dialog box
When you press , OfficeTalk will check that the keycode matches the Workgroup Name, the number of users
and the license number. If the keycode is not correct, OfficeTalk will inform you of this by popping up the following message:
OfficeTalk Warning
If you get this message, firstly ensure that you have typed in the keycode correctly into the keycode field. If no error was made typing in the keycode, check to ensure that you have not changed the spelling of the workgroup name since registering OfficeTalk. Also check to ensure that no licenses have been added or deleted from the License dialog box since you registered the product. If you still cannot find any reason why the keycode does not work contact Sareen Software.
If everything is OK then OfficeTalk will pop up the following message box:
OfficeTalk Message
OfficeTalk will now be registered. OfficeTalk will remember your keycode. You should never change the workgroup name, license information or keycode unless you purchase further licenses in the future.